Egyptian Dreams

Hail to you all, this blog here is for those of you out there who would like to share your knowledge of the primitive and modern spiritual, occult and Theological worlds. Share what you know while learning more from others, share not only information, but books too, just let us know what you know, or what you want us to know rather. What you know as an individual can always be broadened, either from research, or from talking to others about your view on the subject and learning a few things from them, more learning…

That’s the actual purpose of this blog, sharing what you know with others while learning, more, either from them or from suggested books and links to websites that are filled with content that’ll be helpful, whatever the case, you still learn and share...

I will have books & recommendations on sites to visit, most probably software if all goes well, the sites I will link you to will be for things like books you can buy to expand your knowledge on some of the subjects discussed here, most of which are about the occult, theology,Demon Dictionaries and Teachings of other religions or cults,the law of attraction, the “supernatural” or paranormal,different forms of spirituality,Witchcraft and sorcery, astrology, crystal magic, telepathy & psychic abilities like clairvoyance, there will be books that will even help you open and use you chakras. All these will be rather helpful to those of you who desire to walk or join a spiritual path in the hopes of either finding inner peace/happiness or getting a better understanding of your self(or inner self)..I will do as much as I can to make sure that the sites I link you to are legit and will not mislead you in any way; you may also recommend sites for others wishing to get a better understanding of what you know... Let me not say too much, let’s get to this …Thank you and Hail to you all

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Value Of Chakra Tuning

Chakras give our bodies the needed spiritual energy to help deal with daily anxiety. Chakra tuning gives you a better understanding of yourself and the world around you. The value of doing it is in keeping a healthy balance in your life.

What are Chakras:

Chakra is a word from India that means vortex or wheel. It refers to each of the seven energy centers of our conscious mind. Chakras function as values, opening and closing, in response to everyday decisions we make dealing with the many conditions we face in our lives.

Think of Chakras as aspects of consciousness such as auras that are not physical like our bodies. They interact with our body through the endocrine and nervous systems. Each chakra is associated with particular parts of our human anatomy.

When the chakras are centered, they give your mind and body increased focus and energy. Proper alignment aids the body and mind to act in unison. This relaxes us and we become more peaceful.

Why tune chakras:

Everything you need to self-tune your chakras , you already possess inside. You do not require any special equipment or membership fee. You tune chakras to find balance and re-energize yourself, which is the key to excellent health.

Think of Chakras as vibrations that respond to both color and sound. By visualizing the colors and tones of each chakra, you can restore your chakras to their original brilliance and vitality. Therapeutic chakra music vibrates your seven Chakras into perfect balance. This balances mind and spirit in an entire body of healing, meditative state, and relaxation.

The Tones of Seven Chakras

Seventh: Crown Chakra- supports clarity of spirit and cheerfulness

Sixth: Brow Chakra- brings balance between intuition and intellect

Fifth: Throat Chakra- encourages intelligent communication

Fourth: Heart Chakra- for relaxing, balancing, soothing

Third: Solar Plexus Chakra- advances the feeling of centering the magic

Second: Navel Chakra- aids the flow of erotic communication

First: Root Chakra- provides dynamic revitalizing

How chakra tuning affects the way you feel:

Here are steps to one popular method of tuning chakras:

* Start with very fast, deep breathing followed by total silence. This awakens your body and gets the energy flowing.

* Act out your frustrations playfully to relieve stressful situations.

* Jump up and shout to release all your stored up energy.

* Stop and freeze until your breathing is under control. This helps center you so that your body is both still and energized.

* Rejoice. This reminds you how wonderful it is to be alive!

Another simple technique to align your chakras is to sit in a straight back comfortable position such as sitting Indian-style. For around twenty minutes repeat a personal mantra aloud or to yourself. This imprints direction into the subconscious and gives you the strength to achieve your goals.

These are only a couple of techniques that are helpful for chakra tuning. You can also use meditation music to help you with your breathing exercises. During meditation, it is important you focus on centering yourself without rushing. Give your body time to naturally tune itself. You may also enjoy doing these relaxing workouts with a partner.

Past Life Regression

While there is no denying that a vast number of people are curious with regards to their past lives, the number of people who are interested purely for the sake of being able to improve their current life, is dramatically less. Of course, some people still continue to question the possibility of having had past lives even though it is so widely accepted by almost all religions.

It's hardly surprising really that so few people appreciate the value of Past Life Regressionwhen one considers that for most people, the interest they have in their past lives is based purely on curiosity and nothing more.

This is what Past Life Regression, a science that can be applied to improve ourselves is. Going through past life regression actually benefits us and that's what all of us want, isn't it? Quintessentially, through past life regression, you'll learn about ‘yesterday' we talked of above so as to have better ‘tomorrows'.

Before beginning a past life regression session it is imperative that you are certain and believe certain things.

Never doubt that your previous life has a part in your current one. The things that happened before exist in memories that are in your unconscious and need a bit of prodding to come to the top.

Your knowledge of a past life experience will not help you much. You must take that information and use it in a practical manner in order to have positive results in this life.

The past is hidden in the present. Therefore it influences the latter. Past life regression jogs past memories and brings them forefront.

There are a few people who cannot for whatever reason believe in past lives or reincarnation. However they can still benefit from past life regression therapy. Positive changes or avoiding huge mistakes in this life are all possible even if you think that it is all in your imagination.

Whether you are a believer or not experts still say that you can benefit from past life regression therapy for a couple of reasons.

You are expected to take into account your shortcomings in the previous life and not repeat the mistakes in your present life.

Unfortunately, a vast number of people simply refuse to acknowledge the possibility of past lives or reincarnation. This is regrettable because drawing from past life experiences can provide you with the knowledge to avoid major pitfalls in this life. This can still be the case even if you remain skeptical and blame your imagination for the memories which come to mind.

* If you can benefit from the sessions by taking what you learned and changing your life then it stands to reason this was a past life experience.

* The reality of a past life experience becomes apparent when one applies something from a past life regression session to this life and then benefits from it.

* Furthermore, it is believed that even if you refuse to accept memories resulting from past life regression to indeed be from a past life experience, the very process will quite often free you from other mental burdens.

* It is a healing process that reverses past trauma that may be destroying your life today

* You will be much clearer in thought and action

* Self confidence, better judgment, determination and the ability to focus properly on the things that matter are all benefits of past life regression.

* Past life regression effectively helps one to avoid the repetition of mistakes made in one's past life.

* Past life, experiences can answer a lot of questions about whom and what you are.

* Opening windows into the past opens up doors for future benefit.

No matter where you stand on the issue of past life, regression therapy you can believe that there is a positive result. When you are ready to make some positive changes in this current life it is surely worth a try, what do you have to lose?

Anyone Can Learn Remote Viewing

Remote viewing is a natural ability which all of us have; however, most of us have never learned to use this ability. Remote viewing is a psychic ability which involves attuning your brainwaves to a certain frequency – with practice; anyone can become a remote viewer.

No one is entirely sure how remote viewing works or why, but it is known to work. It is usually considered a paranormal phenomenon like astral travel,lucid dreaming and other psychic abilities . Since it's not commonly done, the idea of remote viewing seems like a fantasy to many – but with some practice, even a skeptic can make use of this natural psychic ability.

Remote viewing has even been used by governments as part of their national security programs. According to declassified documents which have been released by countries who have since discontinued these programs, the individuals who participated in these programs were in most cases people who had no previous experience with remote viewing.

This means that you too can use remote viewing – it just takes some practice; before long, you'll be able to use this ability at will. The important thing is to be patient with yourself. Just as with any other skill, it takes some time and effort to become good at remote viewing.

Since we are using and developing mind power for remote viewing it does use a great deal of energy and can leave anyone feeling exhausted. The means of counterbalancing this is to pace ourselves while we are doing our remote viewing practices.

The best way to prepare yourself for remote viewing is meditation and using visualization. These techniques can help you learn remote viewing in less time. When your body and your mind are relaxed, it is easy to enter the proper state for an out of body experience.

Remove viewing is an art form that requires us to take the time to practice on a regular basis. Practice makes perfect in all things including remote viewing. When we do this, we are better able to develop our talents and gifts of the psyche and the paranormal.

You'll need to learn to shut out all other thoughts and put all of your focus onto a person, place or thing which is far away. Remote viewing, of course, is all about seeing from a distance.

Most likely the images you will see while remote viewing appear to be out of focus and misty. However, it is very important that you mind be open to any type of image that you perceive when you are remote viewing.

You will gain a better understanding of that which you view in your sessions when you practice remote viewing on a regular basis. Remember to record your experiences of remote viewing. As you explore the various aspects of remote viewing, you will find that recording your experiences is most helpful. Recording your development in your remote viewing journal will aid you in various ways to learn more about yourself, your world and remote viewing.

Whether you want to discover the past, the future, any time period, or even the galaxy, you can travel anywhere you want to go. You can even link up to the universal mind when you are practicing remote viewing.

Any colors, patterns, shapes and textures that appear to you while you are remote viewing should be given equal attention to their details. Get a pencil and pad of paper to keep handy while you are remote viewing so you can sketch out any images that you see. This will also become a resourceful learning aid for you.

There are multitudes of valuable resources available off and online. These items can help you learn and practice your remote viewing. One technique you should really consider is the use of hypnosis recording since they are most helpful in helping you to re-train your unconscious mind power. When you need help aligning your brainwaves to the proper frequency for such psychic gifts as remote viewing, you will find that binaural beat audios are superb at doing this.

Astral Projection For Beginners

Each and every human being is born with the ability to astral project. The only difference between those who can astral project at will and those who cannot is practice. Astral projection is a technique which has a very long history, just as do yoga and meditation. Astral projection goes by a lot of different names; and there are a lot of different ways you can astral project.Lucid dreaming is one type of astral projecting.Lucid dreaming is of course when we are conscious of our dreaming, this is actually astral projecting. In order to lucid dream, all you need to do is to tell yourself 'I am dreaming' while in the dream.Lucid dreaming lets you take control of what happens in your dreams; but it can take a while to be able to do this on a regular basis. This means that it is not an ideal way to astral project, at least for those who are new to the practice.You have already astral projected, even if you are not specifically aware of it. For example, if you have ever awakened from a dream remembering each and every detail, you were actually astral projecting! This has happened to everyone at some time or another, even if you haven't heard of astral projecting.To get started, you have to know that you can astral project. Since all of us have this ability already, all you have to do is to clear the doubts from your mind and begin trying to astral project.

Practicing meditation and other relaxation methods can get your mind and body prepared to astral project. Meditation is the best relaxation technique for those looking to astral project. The key is to find a regular meditation regimen that helps you to relax.Choose a room where you will not be distracted, have a comfortable place to sit and where you will be able to have peace and quiet. Free your mind of worrying thoughts. You need to clear your mind of all thoughts in order to be able to astral project. Breathe slowly, taking deep breaths in through your mouth and exhaling through your mouth. Your breathing should become deeper and slower as you become more and more relaxed.Work your way up towards your head, beginning from the toes and relaxing every part of your body one by one as you go. There are two techniques which work very well here. The first is to visualize each part of your body relaxing as you move upwards, telling yourself as you go that each part is relaxing. you'll begin to feel heavy and limp as you release all of the tension and negative energy. After you have relaxed your entire body, then it's time to move on to the next step in starting to astral project.At this point, you'll be so completely relaxed that you may be tempted to fall asleep. To prevent this and stay focused on your goal of astral projection, repeat a phrase to yourself. It really doesn't matter what this mantra is; even 'ham on rye' can work. Just choose one and repeat it to yourself.The human mind will wander when it is unoccupied by anything else; this can break the concentration necessary to astral project. To stay on track towards astral projecting, just keep repeating your phrase.In order to astral project, you'll need to reach an altered mental state. This can be done by simply repeating your phrase. You can also use the 'body of light' technique, which many practitioners find to be helpful. In this technique, you need to visualize your body transforming into a body of light.As you start to astral project, there are three signs which you can watch for to know that you are doing so successfully. The first is a sensation of motion, even though your physical body is perfectly still. The second is 'seeing' color and light, even though your eyes will be closed.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Make Contact With Your Spirit Guide

Many people believe that there are spirit guides for each and every one of us. Everyone will have a different spirit guide and it is believed that these guides may or may not know the individual they are watching over personally. Some people believe that the guide could very well be a relative from generations past. Others believe however that these guides are simply souls that are attracted to the person they are watching over. They are not attracted in the physical sense but rather in the likeness the person being watched has with the guide that is watching over them.

Either way, the point of the spirit guide is that the person being helped will receive spiritual guidance throughout life. The thing is though, in order to receive the most benefits, you have to know how to get into touch with your spirit guide. To some people, it is claimed that this is a gift that comes naturally to them. Others have to really work hard on it and can sometimes find it difficult. It is all about having the right mood, the right spiritual encouragement, and the right mindset in order to tap into that part of the spiritual world. Once successful, many people have claimed that they are able to see exactly what their spirit guide looks like.

After a person has fine-tuned their senses they are able to get in touch with their spirit guide much easier. Whether it is through meditation session or through the dream state of sleep, a person is said to receive many messages and directions to follow in life, which will make their entire existence much easier and peaceful. Those not in touch with their spirit guide may still receive such messages but may easily overlook them. The better in tune you are with your spirit guide the better your spiritual journey in this life will be. All in all, even if you are unsure of such a thing existing, it is certainly worth a try. Coming into contact more often with a spirit guide would be excellent and you have nothing to lose if it does not work out for you.

The first thing you will want to do is find a teacher to work with you. Someone who has a lot of experience in contacting spirit guides will be the person who can hold your hand through the process. And then you will want to find people who, like you, are trying to come into contact with their spirit guide. Communicating with other people who are in the same boat, as you will allow you to open up, learn new ideas, and have the support you need while going through the process. Sharing personal experiences and stories is always a rewarding experience.

Something that you will probably learn a lot about is that many people are using binaural beats in order to help get into contact with their spirit guide. The binaural beats help your mind get into the setting it needs to be in to receive the information or messages it needs from the spirit world. Opening up yourself to receive as many messages as you can is key here and that is why people tend to use binaural beats along with meditation , prayer, and dreams to contact their spirit guide.