Egyptian Dreams

Hail to you all, this blog here is for those of you out there who would like to share your knowledge of the primitive and modern spiritual, occult and Theological worlds. Share what you know while learning more from others, share not only information, but books too, just let us know what you know, or what you want us to know rather. What you know as an individual can always be broadened, either from research, or from talking to others about your view on the subject and learning a few things from them, more learning…

That’s the actual purpose of this blog, sharing what you know with others while learning, more, either from them or from suggested books and links to websites that are filled with content that’ll be helpful, whatever the case, you still learn and share...

I will have books & recommendations on sites to visit, most probably software if all goes well, the sites I will link you to will be for things like books you can buy to expand your knowledge on some of the subjects discussed here, most of which are about the occult, theology,Demon Dictionaries and Teachings of other religions or cults,the law of attraction, the “supernatural” or paranormal,different forms of spirituality,Witchcraft and sorcery, astrology, crystal magic, telepathy & psychic abilities like clairvoyance, there will be books that will even help you open and use you chakras. All these will be rather helpful to those of you who desire to walk or join a spiritual path in the hopes of either finding inner peace/happiness or getting a better understanding of your self(or inner self)..I will do as much as I can to make sure that the sites I link you to are legit and will not mislead you in any way; you may also recommend sites for others wishing to get a better understanding of what you know... Let me not say too much, let’s get to this …Thank you and Hail to you all

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Creative Process in Magick

by Anja Heij

Each of us creates every moment of his or her entire life by sending out thoughts, feelings, emotions, prayers or declarations into the Matrix, being the energy weavings of the universe. We can send out new thougths that might change the energy patterns, or repeat old thoughts that will (re)create more of the old energy forms, or we may be influenced by the ideas and emotions of others and help so reinforce their energy patterns. We are not only sending energy, at the same time we are receiving the energy of the thoughts and feelings of others. If their thoughts and feelings contain truth for us, we might incorporate that energy as 'our own', what means that your thoughts don't necessarily have to be your own thoughts!

To understand the creative process we need to understand the basics of it:

The power of belief

The more you believe that what you think and feel is true, the more certainty you add to the energy you send out, and the bigger the change that it wil take form in the physical world. Also the more you think the universe will grant it you, the greater the certainty that you will receive it. Be thankful on beforehand, knowing that it is already existing and will appear in the physical world.

The power of united souls

The more persons think, feel or pray the same thing, the bigger the amount of a certain energy capable of causing changes.

The power of repetition.

The more often you think or feel the same thing, the more belief and certainty about it you raise in your mind, so the more powerful your sent out energy becomes. Choose the same thing over and over again.

The power of clarity of mind.
Make sure that you know what to choose; that way you send out equal messages to the universe.

The power of similarity

Like attracts like! You will attract that what you send out, so if your thoughts contain a lot of fear of disease for instance, you will attract disease as a magnet. If you send out thoughts of love and kindness, you will suddenly notice that unknown people smile at you and greet you.
The power of the basic emotions love and fear. At the base of every thought or emotion (or behind the conscious thought/emotion) lies one of these two emotions.
If the basis is love, you will have ideas like: there is enough for everyone, I am good enough to ask this, the Universe will grant it me, I am thankful for life and its treasures... You will feel self-trust, self-love and self-confidence, inner peace and union with the All. A basic thought of love will add enormous power to your creative force. If the basis is fear, you will think things like: there is never enough, I won't get it, I don't deserve it, I am not good enough, I have not done enough, I will lose it again, what if it does not work.You will experience fears and worries, doubts and insecurities, and you regard yourself as separate from the infinite Source. A basic thought of fear will severely diminish your power to create.

The power of taking responsibility.

If you take responsibility for your life than you can find the strength to make conscious changes in it. If everybody around you has done it, or fate, and you consider yourself a helpless victim, then how could you even believe that you could influence your own life in a positive way? Of course you are not personally responsible for big events like wars, earthquakes or tornadoes; these occurrences are often called upon by our group-consciousness. Also many personal issues are often created by more persons than just you. But you surely are responsible for your reactions on and decisions towards all events. Do you try to find a positive solution or do you sit down effortless in self-pity? (Discourage creates the same thing over and over).

The power of attention.

What you give attention to will be realized. This means that the love you feel for the things you like to realize will attract them to you.
This also implies that suppression of 'bad' or 'ugly' parts of our personality only contributes to their existence. After all you have to put quite some energy in the denial of these characteristics by trying to think them away. It is much more beneficial to accept that we all have our 'good' and 'bad' qualities, and that we choose whether we want to live as a sinner or a saint. Observe 'the horrible you' without judging it, decide what kind of person you want to be, and think and act in a new way. Mind torturers like fears, worries, anger and grief can disappear if you simply let them be, accept them without putting energy in it. The feelings you dare to confront without holding on can pass through you like clouds.

The power of thought control.

If you notice yourself thinking something that you don't wish to think, simply consider how you want to think over that subject or person and send out the new thought. It is like copying out a page on a computer!

The power of not-accepting-no.

Declare your truth completely, friendly, but determined. If people argue about it simply agree that you can understand their point of view, but... repeat your truth firmly and friendly... until you get what you want. This is the famous technic of assertivity trainings known as the 'broken gramophone record'.
In fact the creative process is a big personally adapted mind-control program. You'd better control your own mind then having it done by others!

There are three levels in creating:

think about what you want
speak it out or write it down (not necessarily in the company of others, since they might diminish the belief in yourself by questioning your mental sanity)
act as if it is already existing, smell it, taste it, visualize it.
On the more levels you are creating, the greater the materializing force you set into motion.
Usually we start the creating process at step 1, but it can also start at step 2 (remember the occasions where you heard yourself say something and realized later how much truth you spoke?) and the quickest way is to start at step 3: act in a new way and afterwards think about it.

What you think of you create, and what you create you experience, and your experience is the basis for what you will think of next.

Enjoy creating simply for the joy of creating and remain free from expectations. How others react on your creations is their responsibility, not yours. But if you try to create for the highest good of all, you can hardly go wrong. Dare to change your mind if necessary. Don't ask for guarantees. If life is created over and over again, changing from minute to minute, how can we guarantee anything except that life will be life? If you don't like a certain outcome, know that you are a magician and change it!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Curses & hexes

The basic curse or hex is perhaps one of the oldest forms of magic dating back thousands of years with forms of hexes and curses being used in many cultures and traditions. Hexes vary considerably in different hands and can range from the simple to the more elaborate and can be cast in a variety of ways, the most simplest of curses and hexes do nothing more than bring the person bad luck while the more elaborate can cause many problems with the victims wealth, health and even specified body parts.

The very basic hex or curse can be a spoken curse wishing bad luck and unhappiness on the intended victim; this is usually invoked by briefly describing what you want to happen to the victim followed by a sacred word or magical name.

Gypsy curses

Gypsy curses are perhaps the best known of all curses, exactly why is not known, but it probably stems from gypsy fortune telling of many years ago and one of the most famous of all gypsy curses which has been portrayed on TV many times is. "May you wander over the face of the earth forever, never sleep twice in the same bed, never drink water twice from the same well and never cross the same river twice in a year".

As you can see gypsy curses can be pretty elaborate and not just simply one or two words, after all if we could be cursed or hexed with just a couple of simple words the parents of almost every teenage child would drop dead on the spot.

Voodoo, curses and hexes

Voodoo has long been recognised as a form of curse or hex, this tradition involves the use of a figure crafted in the fashion of the intended victim and often has some trait of the victim such as hair or blood. The practitioner of voodoo would then use pins to stick in the doll with the hope of causing the victim great pain and suffering; the practice of voodoo is thought to have come from the Caribbean.

Different forms of curses and hexes

People throughout the world have their own different beliefs on curses and hexes with all of them intending to bring trouble and strife to the unsuspecting victim, the Chinese believe that they can deliver a curse by leaving a few grains of rice and some pennies on the victim's doorstep. This type of curse symbolizes a wish for the victim to have great financial difficulty.

More recently a Tanzanian member of parliament declared they would put an Islamic death curse on the board members of a Tanzanian executive branch if they didn't clean up corruption. The aboriginal Australians strongly believe that a curse can be put on someone by pointing a kangaroo bone at them and curses have always been associated with the Egyptians.

King Tutankhamen's tomb is a great example of this and it has always been shrouded with mystery and anyone said to have been associated with the opening of the tomb was cursed with six of the people involved with the opening of the tomb meeting untimely and unfortunate deaths.

The curse of Rasputin

Perhaps one of the most famous of all curses was the one which Rasputin mumbled from his deathbed, Rasputin cursed Russia's ruling monarchs due to being shot, almost drowned and castrated by the Romanov prince. This curse was apparently very effective as the entire family were dead within one year.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


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