Egyptian Dreams

Hail to you all, this blog here is for those of you out there who would like to share your knowledge of the primitive and modern spiritual, occult and Theological worlds. Share what you know while learning more from others, share not only information, but books too, just let us know what you know, or what you want us to know rather. What you know as an individual can always be broadened, either from research, or from talking to others about your view on the subject and learning a few things from them, more learning…

That’s the actual purpose of this blog, sharing what you know with others while learning, more, either from them or from suggested books and links to websites that are filled with content that’ll be helpful, whatever the case, you still learn and share...

I will have books & recommendations on sites to visit, most probably software if all goes well, the sites I will link you to will be for things like books you can buy to expand your knowledge on some of the subjects discussed here, most of which are about the occult, theology,Demon Dictionaries and Teachings of other religions or cults,the law of attraction, the “supernatural” or paranormal,different forms of spirituality,Witchcraft and sorcery, astrology, crystal magic, telepathy & psychic abilities like clairvoyance, there will be books that will even help you open and use you chakras. All these will be rather helpful to those of you who desire to walk or join a spiritual path in the hopes of either finding inner peace/happiness or getting a better understanding of your self(or inner self)..I will do as much as I can to make sure that the sites I link you to are legit and will not mislead you in any way; you may also recommend sites for others wishing to get a better understanding of what you know... Let me not say too much, let’s get to this …Thank you and Hail to you all

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What is Voodoo?

Voodoo is one of the world's oldest forms of religion which has been associated with witchcraft and has been around in Africa since the beginning of human civilisation. Those who practice voodoo believe that nothing and no event happens on its own but that all things are connected, following this theory what you do to another, you do to yourself.

Rituals involved in voodoo ceremonies include prayers, singing, dancing and the sacrifice of animals, those following the beliefs of voodoo believe that god manifests through the spirits of dead ancestors and so must be honoured in these rituals.

Music and dance play a key role in the rituals and this has often been portrayed as the lead up to sexual frenzy and orgies, this however isn't true. Voodoo dancing is an expression of spirituality, a way of connecting with divinity and the spiritual world.

The ancestors of those who follow the voodoo religion are thought to be part of the world of spirits and these spirits can be called on to help and give protection and guidance. The voodoo priest or priestess can also use herbal remedies or medicines which have been passed down through families to help those who are sick, with faith healing playing a big part also in the religion. Voodoo has always wrongly been categorised as an evil form of witchcraft with the rites and rituals being performed for evil doings however this is untrue.

The misconceptions of voodoo

Despite voodoo being one of the oldest of all religions it has been characterised as being barbaric and primitive based on superstition and fear, the Europeans seem to fear anything that comes out of Africa and especially anything they don't fully understand.

Voodoo has however adopted several elements from Christianity but despite this when the French colonised Haiti they saw the voodoo religion as a threat and prohibited the practice of the religion severely punishing those who took part in rituals. The struggle to banish the religion of voodoo lasted over three centuries but despite every effort it couldn't be stopped and voodoo is still practiced today in a number of countries.

The power of voodoo

Due to the strength the Africans gained from their religion, voodoo survived the persecutions of the French and it is thought that the voodoo priests used their religion to determine how to fight the political battle in order to win it. In 1804, the Haitians finally won the battle and independence and today the practice of voodoo reflects its history.

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